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Игры Xbox360 Pal и Regionfree


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Список игр:



1. Hot Wheels – Beat that! – 300

2. NFS Pro street (rus) - 200

3. MX vsATV untamed – 300

4. Progect gotham racing 4 rus(Classics) – 300

5. NBA live 09 rus – 300

6. World series poker (NTSC Regionfree) - 300

7. Tony hawks project8 – 300

8. Fifa street 3 – 300

9. Quake wars – 300

10. Saints row - 300

11. Ghost Recon Advanced warfighter (NTSC Regionfree)– 300

12. Transformers the game (NTSC Regionfree)– 300

13. Battlefield 2 – Modern combat – 300

14. PGR3 – 300

15. Sega Superstars tennis – 300

16. FarCry instincts Predator (NTSC Regionfree)– 300

17. 007 Квант Милосердия – 300

18. Vampire rain (NTSC Regionfree) - 300


19. Batle for the pacific - 400

20. Fuzion Frenzy 2 - 400

21. Tom Clancys Ranbowsix vegas – 400

22. Kingdom under fire: Circle of doom – 400

23. Ridge racer 6 – 400

24. Goldfather 2 (rus) - 400

25. Spiderwick chronicles – 400

26. Gears of war (Classics) – 400

27. Too Human – 400

28. (N3)Ninety-nine nights – 400

29. Crackdown (Classics) – 400

30. Halo 3 – 400

31. Ghost Recon Advanced warfighter 2 – 400

32. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed – 400

33. Forza motorsport 2 – 400

34. FarCry2 – 400

35. Mirrors edge (rus)– 400


36. Assassins creed - 500

37. Street Figher 4 – 500

38. C&C Red Alert rus – 500

39. Call of Juarez - 500

40. Lost Planet EC - 500

41. Left4Dead (rus) – 500

42. Kane&Lynch dead men – 500

43. Dead or Alive 4 (Classics) – 500

44. Frontlines: fuel of war - 500

45. Battlefield bad company - Gold edition – 500

46. Transformers the game – Cybertron edition – 500

47. Tomb Raider Underworld – 500

48. Mass Effect – 500

49. Saints row2 (rus text) – 500


50. Fable 2 rus – 600

51. Transformers – Revenge of the fallen – 600

52. Resident evil 5 – 600

53. Halo Wars (rus) - 600

54. Viva pinata –Party animals – 600

55. Avatar the game – 600



56. Bloderlands - 700

57. Alien vs Predator - 700

58. Prototype - 700



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Актуальный список


1. XBOX arcade live – 200

2. Smackdown vs raw 2007 – 200

3. NFS Pro street (rus) – 200

4. Pro evolution soccer 6 – 200

5. Banjo Kazooie - 200

6. Hot Wheels – Beat that! – 300

7. Def jam icon - 300

8. Fight night round 3 – 300

9. Frontlines: fuel of war - 300

10. Collin Mcrae DIRT - 300

11. Stranglehold - 400

12. MX vsATV untamed – 300

13. Progect gotham racing 4 rus(Classics) – 300

14. NBA live 09 rus – 300

15. NBA live 08 - 200

16. World series poker ( NTSC Regionfree) - 300

17. Tony hawks project8 – 300

18. Fifa street 3 – 300

19. Quake wars – 300

20. Saints row - 300

21. Ghost Recon Advanced warfighter (PAL Classics,NTSC Regionfree)– 300

22. Transformers the game (NTSC Regionfree)– 300

23. Battlefield 2 – Modern combat – 300

24. PGR3 – 300

25. Sega Superstars tennis – 300

26. FarCry instincts Predator (NTSC Regionfree)– 300

27. FarCry 2 - 300

28. Simpsons the game – 300

29. Guitar Hero 3 Legend of Rock – 300

30. Spider man frend or foe -300

31. Spider man 3 – 300

32. Bee movie the game – 300

33. Гарри поттер и орден феникса - 300

34. Vampire rain (NTSC Regionfree) – 300

35. King Kong Peter Jackson – 300

36. Virtua tennis 3 – 200

37. Darkness – 300

38. Blazing angels: squadrons of WWII - 400

39. Devil MayCry 4 - 400

40. Batle for the pacific - 400

41. Fuzion Frenzy 2 - 400

42. Tom Clancys Ranbowsix vegas – 400

43. Kingdom under fire: Circle of doom – 400

44. Ridge racer 6 – 400

45. Крёстный отец 2 (rus) - 400

46. Spiderwick chronicles – 400

47. Alone in the dark - 400

48. Too Human – 400

49. (N3)Ninety-nine nights – 400

50. Crackdown (Classics) – 400

51. Halo 3 – 400

52. Ghost Recon Advanced warfighter 2 – 400

53. Bully scholarship edition - 400

54. Forza motorsport 2 – 400

55. Dead rising - 400

56. Mirrors edge (rus)– 400

57. Halo ODST – 500

58. Soul Calibur 2 - 500

59. Assassins creed - 500

60. Street Figher 4 – 500

61. C&C Red Alert rus – 500

62. Call of Juarez – 500

63. Solder of fortune payback – 400

64. Lost Planet EC - 500

65. Left4Dead (rus) – 500

66. Kane&Lynch dead men – 500

67. Dead or Alive 4 (Classics) – 500

68. Battlefield bad company - Gold edition – 500

69. Transformers the game – Cybertron edition – 500

70. Tomb Raider Underworld – 500

71. Mass Effect – 500

72. Saints row2 (rus text) – 500

73. Army of two – 300

74. Army of two 40 days - 400

75. Transformers – Revenge of the fallen – 600

76. Resident evil 5 – 600

77. Bioshock - 400

78. Viva pinata –Party animals – 600

79. Avatar the game – 600

80. Bloderlands - 700

81. Prototype – 700


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Актуальный список


1. XBOX arcade live – 200

2. Smackdown vs raw 2007 – 200

3. NFS Pro street (rus) – 200

4. Pro evolution soccer 6 – 200

5. Banjo Kazooie - 200

6. Hot Wheels – Beat that! – 300

7. Def jam icon - 300

8. Fight night round 3 – 300

9. Frontlines: fuel of war - 300

10. Collin Mcrae DIRT - 300

11. Stranglehold - 400

12. MX vsATV untamed – 300

13. Progect gotham racing 4 rus(Classics) – 300

14. NBA live 09 rus – 300

15. NBA live 08 - 200

16. World series poker ( NTSC Regionfree) - 300

17. Tony hawks project8 – 300

18. Fifa street 3 – 300

19. Quake wars – 300

20. Saints row - 300

21. Ghost Recon Advanced warfighter (PAL Classics,NTSC Regionfree)– 300

22. Transformers the game (NTSC Regionfree)– 300

23. Battlefield 2 – Modern combat – 300

24. PGR3 – 300

25. Sega Superstars tennis – 300

26. FarCry instincts Predator (NTSC Regionfree)– 300

27. FarCry 2 - 300

28. Simpsons the game – 300

29. Guitar Hero 3 Legend of Rock – 300

30. Spider man frend or foe -300

31. Spider man 3 – 300

32. Bee movie the game – 300

33. Гарри поттер и орден феникса - 300

34. Vampire rain (NTSC Regionfree) – 300

35. King Kong Peter Jackson – 300

36. Virtua tennis 3 – 200

37. Darkness – 300

38. Blazing angels: squadrons of WWII - 400

39. Devil MayCry 4 - 400

40. Batle for the pacific - 400

41. Fuzion Frenzy 2 - 400

42. Tom Clancys Ranbowsix vegas – 400

43. Kingdom under fire: Circle of doom – 400

44. Ridge racer 6 – 400

45. Крёстный отец 2 (rus) - 400

46. Spiderwick chronicles – 400

47. Alone in the dark - 400

48. Too Human – 400

49. (N3)Ninety-nine nights – 400

50. Crackdown (Classics) – 400

51. Halo 3 – 400

52. Ghost Recon Advanced warfighter 2 – 400

53. Bully scholarship edition - 400

54. Forza motorsport 2 – 400

55. Dead rising - 400

56. Mirrors edge (rus)– 400

57. Halo ODST – 500

58. Soul Calibur 2 - 500

59. Assassins creed - 500

60. Street Figher 4 – 500

61. C&C Red Alert rus – 500

62. Call of Juarez – 500

63. Solder of fortune payback – 400

64. Lost Planet EC - 500

65. Left4Dead (rus) – 500

66. Kane&Lynch dead men – 500

67. Dead or Alive 4 (Classics) – 500

68. Battlefield bad company - Gold edition – 500

69. Transformers the game – Cybertron edition – 500

70. Tomb Raider Underworld – 500

71. Mass Effect – 500

72. Saints row2 (rus text) – 500

73. Army of two – 300

74. Army of two 40 days - 400

75. Transformers – Revenge of the fallen – 600

76. Resident evil 5 – 600

77. Bioshock - 400

78. Viva pinata –Party animals – 600

79. Avatar the game – 600

80. Bloderlands - 700

81. Prototype – 700


Лецензия ?

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Отложены игры дл продажи:

13. Progect gotham racing 4 rus(Classics)

29. Guitar Hero 3 Legend of Rock

73. Army of two

74. Army of two 40 days

80. Borderlands



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Dead Rising,


Banjo Kazooie

Simpsons the game


Solder of fortune payback

Progect gotham racing 4 rus(Classics)

Guitar Hero 3 Legend of Rock

Army of two

Army of two 40 days


Pro evolution soccer 6

FarCry 2

Call of Juarez

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Dead Rising,


Banjo Kazooie

Simpsons the game


Solder of fortune payback

Progect gotham racing 4 rus(Classics)

Guitar Hero 3 Legend of Rock

Army of two

Army of two 40 days


Pro evolution soccer 6

FarCry 2

Call of Juarez


Грамотнее было бы написать что осталось в наличии.


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Верно подметил,исправляю


Актуальный список:


1. XBOX arcade live – 200

3. NFS Pro street (rus) – 200

6. Hot Wheels – Beat that! – 300

7. Def jam icon - 300

8. Fight night round 3 – 300

9. Frontlines: fuel of war - 300

11. Stranglehold - 400

12. MX vsATV untamed – 300

14. NBA live 09 rus – 300

15. NBA live 08 - 200

16. World series poker ( NTSC Regionfree) - 300

17. Tony hawks project8 – 300

18. Fifa street 3 – 300

19. Quake wars – 300

20. Saints row - 300

21. Ghost Recon Advanced warfighter (PAL Classics,NTSC Regionfree)– 300

22. Transformers the game (NTSC Regionfree)– 300

23. Battlefield 2 – Modern combat – 300

25. Sega Superstars tennis – 300

26. FarCry instincts Predator (NTSC Regionfree)– 300

30. Spider man frend or foe -300

31. Spider man 3 – 300

32. Bee movie the game – 300

33. Гарри поттер и орден феникса - 300

34. Vampire rain (NTSC Regionfree) – 300

35. King Kong Peter Jackson – 300

36. Virtua tennis 3 – 200

38. Blazing angels: squadrons of WWII - 400

39. Devil MayCry 4 - 400

40. Batle for the pacific - 400

41. Fuzion Frenzy 2 - 400

42. Tom Clancys Ranbowsix vegas – 400

43. Kingdom under fire: Circle of doom – 400

44. Ridge racer 6 – 400

46. Spiderwick chronicles – 400

47. Alone in the dark - 400

48. Too Human – 400

49. (N3)Ninety-nine nights – 400

50. Crackdown (Classics) – 400

51. Halo 3 – 400

52. Ghost Recon Advanced warfighter 2 – 400

53. Bully scholarship edition - 400

54. Forza motorsport 2 – 400

56. Mirrors edge (rus)– 400

57. Halo ODST – 500

58. Soul Calibur 2 - 500

59. Assassins creed - 500

60. Street Figher 4 – 500

61. C&C Red Alert rus – 500

64. Lost Planet EC - 500

65. Left4Dead (rus) – 500

66. Kane&Lynch dead men – 500

67. Dead or Alive 4 (Classics) – 500

68. Battlefield bad company – 400

69. Transformers the game – Cybertron edition – 500

70. Tomb Raider Underworld – 500

71. Mass Effect – 500

72. Saints row2 (rus text) – 500

75. Transformers – Revenge of the fallen – 600

76. Resident evil 5 – 600

79. Avatar the game – 600

81. Prototype – 700

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