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Сравнение старого и нового билда Forza Motorsport 5


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Сравнение старого и нового билда Forza Motorsport 5


В сети появились скриншоты сравнения Е3 и релизного билда Forza Motorsport 5. Качество скриншотов оставляет желать лучшего, ибо взяты они с роликов Youtube, но общие отличия видны невооруженным глазом.


Первое видео был сделано во время показа Forza Motorsport 5 на телешоу Late Night с Джимми Фэллоном. Ролик с релизной версией взят с канала пользователя Ali-A, которому удалось получить копию игры и консоль раньше многих. 


[spoiler=Сначала старый, затем новый]



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNX576Dg07Q http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NogFF3Hrw4w





На популярном NeoGaf отмечают, что световые эффекты , тени и деревья урезаны в окончательном варианте. Кроме того, 3D модели толпы , по-видимому заменены на 2D. А вы видите эти отличия?


Изменено пользователем SKYL3R
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Я вижу и я разочарован. Все чаще начинаю думать, что будущее за стимбоксами и иже с ними. Обе консоли слабы уже на старте. При запуске PS360 у пекашников челюсть отваливалась от первых гирь, а сейчас что? В общем, я в печали пацаны.

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Стало хуже  :men_scary:

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Нене,ща ребята придут и скажут,что лучше стало и что это тру некст ген,особенно dr3.

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Вы нео-гаф больше читайте для "объективности" =))) Там всё сонибыдло только тем и занято, что выискивает всякую фуйню про Ван, абсолютно не видя бревен в PS4. Люди, играющие в FM5 плачут от счастья что дожили то такой графики:


Ok so here is my Forza 5 review. Not sure if its allowed to be posted to its own thread or if it must go in the Forza 5 thread so mods help me out here on this.


I pre-ordered my Xbox One back in Aug from walmart.com and they charged my CC about a week ago. On wed, I got a email that was sent late Tuesday night informing me that my order shipped on Tuesday and they had a link to Fedex with my tracking number so I clicked it and to my surprise it listed it as "out on the truck for delivery". I was kind of shocked as it just shipped the day before and I used ground shipping but they already had it on the truck for the day. I was assuming they would have a sticker or something informing them not to deliver it before the 22. In anycase, a few hours later I received a large box from Fedex that was indeed my Xbox One. I will skip through all the details about the Xbox One set up process and move right on to the Forza review.


Being as I didn't buy any games with it, I was worried I wouldn't be able to download any from XBL yet as that was my original plan. I wanted to go all digital this gen as I don't have to swap discs to play these games if I go that route. But my back up was going to Walmart and buying a physical copy if they didn't have that live yet. But thankfully once I got the Xbox set up I could buy any of the 22 launch games from XBL. So obviously I went with Forza 5 first, and it comes in at just over 31 gigs. Needless to say on my connection, the full game would take roughly 7 hours or so to download, but I knew you could play them before it finished so I was keen to check this feature out. I have seen reports on various sites that you have to wait to the game download gets about 40 to 50% complete to play, but I found this is not the case, at least with Forza 5. After around 15%, the Forza game icon changed from "installing" to "ready to start" and when I clicked on it the game booted up and I was able to play. This 15% was roughly an hour and 15 min or so after I started the DL. So I Jumped right in and started racing, the first race was just a two laps around the track from E3, just to give you a feel for the driving and what assists you might need. Right away I was blown away by the visuals. No video on the net, or screen shot really does this game justice, when you play it for the first time you will see a game that looks far better than any of those. The first thing I noticed is just how sharp the game is. Some of this is due to the fact that the game is running in native 1080p, but a lot of it comes from the fact that these consoles have FAR better and higher levels of texture filtering than any previous, on the same levels as a high end PC. This makes even textures far in the distance incredibly sharp and you don't really see the detail "pop" in any more as you did in the previous gen. The cars also look stunning of course and are rendered in great detail. I think by now everyone knows how good they look so wont go into much detail regarding that. The tracks also look amazing, and the 2nd track I played was the Alps from Forza 4. Despite some videos of it floating around online that make it look like simply an Xbox 360 track in higher resolution, I can assure you guys that it looks as next-gen as any tracks in the game and looks stunning and nothing like a previous gen track. The textures have been completely redone in much higher resolution, and all the other assets have seen noticeable polygon increases as well. Another impressive feat of the game is having 16 of these highly detail cars on the tracks at the same time. To have that many at this level of detail is pretty stunning, and also makes for some great races.


Now as far as how the game plays..... The game play it self is pretty much the same as Forza 4. Physics of the cars and their weight feel a bit better, but it really plays very closely to that game which is in no way a bad thing at all. So if you played Forza 4 your going to know what to expect from 5, it's just even more polished. What does make a HUGE difference is the new Xbox One controller. Right off the bat it feels even better in your hands than the 360 controller, but the motors in the triggers are truly an amazing upgrade and one that will surely enhance games for the life-time of the console. You can feel the wheels start to slip off the track before you skid out of control thanks to the vibrations in the triggers. You can also feel when your breaking too much and can avoid locking them up much easier now thanks to this feature. This really adds a ton of realism and depth to the game play, so much so I couldn't see playing a racing game again with out using the Xbox One controller.


Next we have the driveatars and like other sites have said, they did indeed nail this feature. This is the most fun I have ever had playing a single player racing game. The realism of the other drivers made me time and time again feel as if I was playing online with live people. But as others have pointed out, there is more "chaos" now due to not having AI drones drive in perfect or nearly perfect lines every race. But that also makes the game much more dynamic and unpredictable which is a very good thing. I saw one site state that you will notice really quickly that "most drivers are a**holes* due to the driveatar but I do not believe this to be the case and this is the one thing I did find an issue with in regards to how they calculate the driveatars. When you start your first series of races, there are 5 in total and your driveatar is calculated from your first 3 events. After the 3rd event, the game now has enough data on your driving to make your driveatar and upload it to the cloud. The issue I have with this is I think they are calculating it way to early in the game, as not only are a lot of people still getting use to the basic controls and what assists they do and do not need, they are also learning the tracks and in most cases racing them for the very first time. So needless to say, you are going to make a lot of mistakes early in the game and crash into other drivers a lot more untill you get a good "feel" for the game. But since your driveatar is calculated from the first few races, most people drive much more erratically than they would say after 10 or 20 races under their belt. I think it would improve things a bit more if they did this later in the game but as it stands now it works great and it still makes for a very fun ride.


The other issue I have if the lack of tracks. I believe its around 15 in total. While not a bad number, I would like more tracks, as well as more verity in the types of tracks. I understand this is a simulation racing game, but I like the fictional tracks better than the real-world tracks of the previous games as the environment are much more interesting to look at. Most real race tracks are just that, a track with little else to them other than grand stands for the people. I am ok with that but would love to see more of the fictional ones as well which I expect we will get down the road via DLC. Despite the number of cars being greatly reduced, all 200 that are here are great cars and I really have no issue with the number of cars. There are more than enough great cars to drive and every car I wanted to drive was in this game. And of course we will get more of these as well down the road.


Overall I would easily give Forza 5 a 8.5 out of 10. My biggest limiting factor that reduced the over all score was the lack of content at the start, and mainly the lack of tracks. Another 10 or 15 tracks and this becomes a 9.5 for me. But the most important thing here is game play, and Forza 5 is still the most realistic and fun simulation racer on the market.

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Вы нео-гаф больше читайте для "объективности" =))) Там всё сонибыдло только тем и занято, что выискивает всякую фуйню про Ван, абсолютно не видя бревен в PS4. Люди, играющие в FM5 плачут от счастья что дожили то такой графики:


Да .... по твоей логике всем кому не нравится текушая графика в некст гене все сонибои?

У тебя уже параноя, а люди который плачутся что дожили до такого графона из бункера видимо вылезли.

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Единственная игра ради которой хотелось взять XBOX ONE... Я разочарован.... Мыльный пузырь...

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Вы нео-гаф больше читайте для "объективности" =))) Там всё сонибыдло только тем и занято, что выискивает всякую фуйню про Ван, абсолютно не видя бревен в PS4. Люди, играющие в FM5 плачут от счастья что дожили то такой графики:


Ох лол,послушать местных фанбоев,так все везде сонибои и быдло,а эксбаксленд последний оплот говна надежды на будущее.

Что на гамаке,что на геймтече,раньше неогаф был тут авторитетным,сейчас уже не в первый раз слышу,что он сонибойский и т.д.


Касательно неогафа-не вижу там какого то сильного противостояния,как тут например.

По всем играм и минусам пишут адекватно,это явно не фанбойский сайт.

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Те , кто опробовал лично графоном довольны сполна. Кукарейкате дальше , лолки  :lie:

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Касательно неогафа-не вижу там какого то сильного противостояния,как тут например.

По всем играм и минусам пишут адекватно,это явно не фанбойский сайт.

Там даже адекватных соников банят, если они не дай бог себе позволят "вольности" про бокс написать. Не слышал что ли термин "Сони-гаф" никогда?
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Забавно, все кто не в восторге (или считают его не выдающимся) от графона бокса - сонибои, кто ссытся - истинные геймеры бокса, абсолютно не предвзятые и объективные. :men:  :laugh1:

А если серьезно, конечно запустив у себя некстген, будешь в восторге, особенно после пастгена затянувшегося.

Изменено пользователем D12WD
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абсолютно не предвзятые и объективные.

Такими могут быть люди, которые не собирают по всем помойкам гавно и блевотину, а умеет подчеркнуть и объективно написать и о хороших сторонах девайса. Пока, такие сонибои - вымышленные персонажи сказок.
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