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то что получится в итоге - узнаем когда выйдет

да че ждать  , смотри ролики на пред.странице все видно.

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Изменено пользователем Pulse
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Изменено пользователем Pulse
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А ничего , что скрины новой версии вообще со стрима сняли?
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Ерли с улыбочкой дал хорошего пинка всем хейтерам - "никакого даунгрейда и FullHD в релизе":




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Ерли с улыбочкой дал хорошего пинка всем хейтерам - "никакого даунгрейда и FullHD в релизе":




Там 1080 будет , а не 900 ?
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Еще впечатления чувака поигравшего на GameCity. Мультик забагован, сингл ему понравился, визуально RYSE - настоящий некстген, без дураков:

At Gamecity the colosseum multiplayer part was playable (Gamescom-Build).
The bad message is: Unfortunately it really is a bug-fest and I personally think it's a very bad idea to show such an obviously unfinished software to the public. I've seen an enemy freezing for about 5 seconds after defeat, clipping errors, stutter in the animation and disorientated AI.
The good message however is: The "press X to win" part is a myth and people stating over and over again that Ryse's gameplay is pure garbage will be delighted to hear that actually what THEY proclaim is pure garbage. Ryse's is really challenging and indeed shares a lot of similarities with games such as Batman. And by that I mean that there arn't combos to chain (so any God of War comparisons just proof a lack of understanding) but observing your surroundings and quickly/adequately reacting to it. Funny thing is: In contrast to popular internet-belief button-smashing won't help at all. Actually quite the opposite is true. Although I'm sure the Demo was on easy-mode enemies quickly responded to my unchanging attack pattern. To break their guard (there was a lot of blocking involved) I had to learn to vary my attacks, counter their attacks, use the special magic ability or work in tandem with my partner. The time frame for the executions (pressing B) felt very short - I often tried to activate this mode but was too late. If i wanted to I could have avoided them altogether however the point is they felt so rewarding that I didn't want to miss them. Plus: Bad players really don't help with good impressions. Watched a lot of people that obviously didn't know what they were doing and trust me - the offerings on my screen after a couple of tries were as different as night and day.
What I didn't like: Colored outlines - hope that at a higher difficulty they disappear entirely with only the sound cues guiding your actions. Slow motion in a multiplayer game is just silly. I'm no fan of unnecessary gore however the absence of blood didn't help the game's immersion at all. Cutting off an arm IS bloody business, there's definitely something missing .
While the MP trails behind the SP the visuals were great. There were a lot of small details I hadn't noticed in all the videos I've seen before. From the hairy back of a gladiator to the knobby palisade walls the texture work was really good. Plus the water-part of the level looked outstanding. Just forget people that tried to prove otherwise.
I also thought that lightning and particle effects were nice. You can see some nice fire effects in the video below (warning: what you see is a player with his first try with the game, filmed with my smartphone so very low qual).

Bottom line: I had mixed feelings regarding Ryse. While I actually enjoyed the gameplay (and that's from a gamer that finished all the Ninja Gaiden's plus Dark Souls) I'm still worried regarding the myriads of small and big bugs that plague the multiplayer mode. Right now Ryse feels unfinished and rough. However if Crytek really manages to iron out these shortcomings (and I think that's possible) there's a foundation for a really entertaining new series.
Don't get me wrong: The MP mode is probably an afterthought - the real test will be in the SP (especially story, atmosphere, variety).
And whatever you say: This is a game that visually really screams next-gen.



Но мультик нужно править, а времени то уже маловато для этого...

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@dimm0505, ну мультик для галочки, хотя задумка не плохая. Я б поиграл в МП. Хотя лишь в 3-4 играх в него играю.

Это я про айджиэнщиков. В их последнем обзоре куча негатива:


Тезисы их "впечатлений": Boring, Horrible Camera , Bland Combat , Not Next-Gen. Хотя 20 августа все им понравилось:


да давно ж известно что IGN продажны.

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Ох, лол. А кто-то еще мне тут лечил, что типа будет 1920*900 с небольшими черными полями.

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Ох, лол. А кто-то еще мне тут лечил, что типа будет 1920*900 с небольшими черными полями.

Как будто бы этого не могло быть.


После этих гифок хочется только посмеяться в лицо тем, кто там заливал про обрезаный графон. Е3 демка оказывается на редкость убого выглядит.
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Вот бы такую красоту в полноценном 3D без порезанного разрешения поиграть,эх.

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Вот бы такую красоту в полноценном 3D без порезанного разрешения поиграть,эх.

Бери соне-шлем и гоняй на здоровье

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Бери соне-шлем и гоняй на здоровье

Так сейчас же Окулус Рифт есть уже.
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Так сейчас же Окулус Рифт есть уже.

У сонишлема функционал больше. Фильмы , например мона смотреть. А окулус ток для игор.

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Можно качнуть:

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Охренеть там багов






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Не вижу багов О_о, разве что на последней гифке он немножко поел труп.

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